The field of leadership study is changing rapidly. Leadership credibility has steadily declined this century. Different changes in the world make the leadership to be a challenging task. Most people today seem not to comprehend what pastoral leadership is all about. However, the Bible is peopled with prominent figures who stood at the position of leadership and be able to accomplish God‘s purpose in their life. In the New Testament, Jesus stood as a leader who remain in his jurisdiction as a leader and accomplished his task here on earth. This paper is a brief attempt of pastoral leadership and how the contemporary world should perceive this subject. In the first place the paper is attempting to define what pastoral leadership according to both Biblical perspectives and what other Biblical scholars have defined this subject. The paper explains also other elements within this subject such as qualities of pastoral leadership, basics of effective pastoral leadership and the responsibilities of pastor as a leader.

The perceptive of pastoral leadership is based on how one defines this kind of leadership. Today there is much ambiguity, confusion and conflict in the understanding of pastoral leadership. This is a kind of leadership that plays its duty without forsaking the true calling and fulfills the mission in the church and in the world. Pastoral leadership is not made by election or appointment by the men or any combination of men nor by conference or synods. This means that only God can make this leadership. Holding the position of importance does not constitute one to become a pastor as leader. Pastoral leadership is an avenue of the spirit and God confers it. When God finds a man who is available he anoints him with His Spirit and separates him for His distinctive ministry.
Mean defined pastoral leadership as a kind of leadership that is authoritative, spiritual and sacrificial. This leadership is authoritative because people love to be led by one who knows where he is going and who inspires confidence. Spiritual because empowered by the Spirit of God. Sacrificial because modeled on the life of the one who gave sacrificed himself for the whole world. Gangel defined spiritual leadership as the exercise of one’s spiritual gifts under the call of God to serve a certain group of people in achieving the goals God given them towards the end of glorifying Christ.
The perceptive of pastoral leadership is based on how one defines this kind of leadership. Today there is much ambiguity, confusion and conflict in the understanding of pastoral leadership. This is a kind of leadership that plays its duty without forsaking the true calling and fulfills the mission in the church and in the world. Pastoral leadership is not made by election or appointment by the men or any combination of men nor by conference or synods. This means that only God can make this leadership. Holding the position of importance does not constitute one to become a pastor as leader. Pastoral leadership is an avenue of the spirit and God confers it. When God finds a man who is available he anoints him with His Spirit and separates him for His distinctive ministry.
Mean defined pastoral leadership as a kind of leadership that is authoritative, spiritual and sacrificial. This leadership is authoritative because people love to be led by one who knows where he is going and who inspires confidence. Spiritual because empowered by the Spirit of God. Sacrificial because modeled on the life of the one who gave sacrificed himself for the whole world. Gangel defined spiritual leadership as the exercise of one’s spiritual gifts under the call of God to serve a certain group of people in achieving the goals God given them towards the end of glorifying Christ.
Jesus showed good qualities that are necessary for the pastoral leadership. The scripture is bombarded with the qualities that God expect from a leader. I Timothy 3:7 give the biblical qualities. We shall survey some qualities such as discipline, vision, wisdom, decision, humility, and spirit-filled and integrity.
When all the facts are in swift and clear, decision- making is a mark of the leader. The man who possesses vision must do something about it, or else he may remain a visionary, not a leader. Once a pastor as a leader is sure of God’s will, he will go into immediate action regardless of the consequences. A lot of biblical prominent figures succeeded in their ministry because they were the decision makers. Moses qualified to be a leader after he made the momentous decision to abandon the treasures and pleasure of Egypt and identify himself with Israel in their suffering and affliction. The church today is hungry for action leaders who can move followers by their own concrete decisions. Decision-making should be in agreement with those who follow. But when leaders have included many people in decision-making process, the dissent will be diminished.
Humility is the hallmark of the leader whom God can use. Although it is not in the world’s curriculum, in the realm of politics and commerce, humility is the quality required or converted. But in God’s scale of values humility stands very high. In training the disciples Jesus used to remind them that they should not be pompous and over breaking but humble and lowly like their master. (Matt 20:25-27). John the Baptist commented to Jesus “He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30). The humility of a leader as his spiritually, should be an ever-growing quality. Early in the ministry Paul used to acknowledge that “For I am the least of the apostles, and do not even to be called an apostle. (I Cor 15:9). Sometimes later he volunteered, “Although I am less than the least of the entire God’s people…” (Eph 3:8). Humility in pastoral leadership influences the followers to see Christ in their leader.
The Bible also commented on the discipline as one of the qualities of pastoral leadership. Some other biblical scholars have credited that without discipline other spiritual gifts never realize their maximum potential. Only the discipline leaders will rise to highest power. A spiritual leader is the one who first submitted willingly and learn to obey. The discipline is manifested in many ways for instance, reading the Bible, prayer, tithing, willing to receive from others as well as give to others. There are some who delight in sacrificing themselves for others, who are quite unwillingly to allow others to reciprocate.
Those who have most powerfully and permanently influenced their generation have been the ‘seers’, men who have hope in their vision. Vision is one of the qualities of pastoral leadership. A vision includes foresight as well as insight. A pastor should be able to envision the result of policies or methods he advocates. Vision involves optimism and hope. No pessimist ever made a great pastoral leadership .The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity while the optimist sees an opportunity in every difficult. Responsible leadership always looks a head to see how policies proposed will affect not only the present but succeeding generation.
Wisdom is another essential quality that is required by a leader. Webster pointed out that, wisdom is a faculty of making use of the knowledge, a combination of discernment, judgement, sagacity and spiritual and moral truth. I perceive wisdom as more imperative than knowledge, which is the accumulation of facts. Wisdom involves the right application of knowledge in moral and spiritual matters. Naturally knowledge is gained by studying but when the spirit fills a man, He imparts the wisdom to use and apply that knowledge correctly. It is so a prerequisite today for the pastors as leaders to be filled with the Holy spirit for not any reason but to get wisdom from above. The Bible is clear that; “The wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust”. (Proverbs 21:22). In the New Testament wisdom was one of the major requirements even for subordinates’ leaders in the early churches. (Acts 6:3).
The other requirements for pastoral leadership are integrity and spirit-filled. Integrity is the most sign that followers look on their leader. People around Jesus knew that he was a leader of integrity. “We know that you are man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth” (Matt 22:16b). In normal circumstances integrity and spirit-filled are inseparable. Integrity that in other way means pure heart is only possible when the Holy Spirit find way in the heart of the human
Jesus showed good qualities that are necessary for the pastoral leadership. The scripture is bombarded with the qualities that God expect from a leader. I Timothy 3:7 give the biblical qualities. We shall survey some qualities such as discipline, vision, wisdom, decision, humility, and spirit-filled and integrity.
When all the facts are in swift and clear, decision- making is a mark of the leader. The man who possesses vision must do something about it, or else he may remain a visionary, not a leader. Once a pastor as a leader is sure of God’s will, he will go into immediate action regardless of the consequences. A lot of biblical prominent figures succeeded in their ministry because they were the decision makers. Moses qualified to be a leader after he made the momentous decision to abandon the treasures and pleasure of Egypt and identify himself with Israel in their suffering and affliction. The church today is hungry for action leaders who can move followers by their own concrete decisions. Decision-making should be in agreement with those who follow. But when leaders have included many people in decision-making process, the dissent will be diminished.
Humility is the hallmark of the leader whom God can use. Although it is not in the world’s curriculum, in the realm of politics and commerce, humility is the quality required or converted. But in God’s scale of values humility stands very high. In training the disciples Jesus used to remind them that they should not be pompous and over breaking but humble and lowly like their master. (Matt 20:25-27). John the Baptist commented to Jesus “He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30). The humility of a leader as his spiritually, should be an ever-growing quality. Early in the ministry Paul used to acknowledge that “For I am the least of the apostles, and do not even to be called an apostle. (I Cor 15:9). Sometimes later he volunteered, “Although I am less than the least of the entire God’s people…” (Eph 3:8). Humility in pastoral leadership influences the followers to see Christ in their leader.
The Bible also commented on the discipline as one of the qualities of pastoral leadership. Some other biblical scholars have credited that without discipline other spiritual gifts never realize their maximum potential. Only the discipline leaders will rise to highest power. A spiritual leader is the one who first submitted willingly and learn to obey. The discipline is manifested in many ways for instance, reading the Bible, prayer, tithing, willing to receive from others as well as give to others. There are some who delight in sacrificing themselves for others, who are quite unwillingly to allow others to reciprocate.
Those who have most powerfully and permanently influenced their generation have been the ‘seers’, men who have hope in their vision. Vision is one of the qualities of pastoral leadership. A vision includes foresight as well as insight. A pastor should be able to envision the result of policies or methods he advocates. Vision involves optimism and hope. No pessimist ever made a great pastoral leadership .The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity while the optimist sees an opportunity in every difficult. Responsible leadership always looks a head to see how policies proposed will affect not only the present but succeeding generation.
Wisdom is another essential quality that is required by a leader. Webster pointed out that, wisdom is a faculty of making use of the knowledge, a combination of discernment, judgement, sagacity and spiritual and moral truth. I perceive wisdom as more imperative than knowledge, which is the accumulation of facts. Wisdom involves the right application of knowledge in moral and spiritual matters. Naturally knowledge is gained by studying but when the spirit fills a man, He imparts the wisdom to use and apply that knowledge correctly. It is so a prerequisite today for the pastors as leaders to be filled with the Holy spirit for not any reason but to get wisdom from above. The Bible is clear that; “The wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust”. (Proverbs 21:22). In the New Testament wisdom was one of the major requirements even for subordinates’ leaders in the early churches. (Acts 6:3).
The other requirements for pastoral leadership are integrity and spirit-filled. Integrity is the most sign that followers look on their leader. People around Jesus knew that he was a leader of integrity. “We know that you are man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth” (Matt 22:16b). In normal circumstances integrity and spirit-filled are inseparable. Integrity that in other way means pure heart is only possible when the Holy Spirit find way in the heart of the human
being. The church leader must be spiritually authentic and alive in touch with God. Many things are so destructive in the church when leaders not perceive thing in spiritual perspective.
When we study the Bible closely we see that pastoral leadership is indeed God’s idea. God is not only the ultimate leader, but he has called us to lead as well. A leader has to play his part for the effective leadership. John Maxwell in his book, Million leaders’ mandate, developed the basics for the effective pastoral leadership. We shall journey through these basics and see how they contribute to the successfulness of pastoral leadership.
Perceive a need
Most of the figures in the Bible like Nehemiah started their leadership when they saw a specific need and they could address and meet the need. Maxwell suggested that for leadership to be effective, it should always start with a need and that need spark within a person then he acts in response to the need. The action moves others to corporate. The leader’s ability to find a need and satisfaction was a natural result of long successful of doing the right things for the right reasons across years of cheerful, Christ centered services. In normal circumstances God places a leader at the position of for the ultimate purpose of fulfilling a need.
Possess a gift
The effective leadership goes together with some ability that fit the need of the moment perfectly. Normally the gift plays a great role in solving a problem. Maxwell contends that effective leadership is determined by the gift inside a leader. Leaders then eventually match the gift with place of service. The gift provides a platform for influence. When the leader is naturally led in his area of his gift, other elements take place like, intuitive, production, comfortable, as well as satisfaction. Problem frustrates leaders when they realize that they are often called upon to use lesser gifts rather than to refine their greater gifts. All the gifts are valuable and needed for effective leadership.
Parade Passion
When an outward need and inward gift match, the leader often follows by becoming consumed with a passion. In most situations a passion develops when there’s burden. Maxwell pointed out that passion comes also when a leader is convicted to perform a task for the aim of accomplishing a goal. It begins with an interest and concerns.
Influence People
Leadership is influence-nothing less, nothing more. To be a leader its not only the issue of being in the front, but also to have people intentionally coming behind him, following his lead, and acting on his vision. True pastoral leadership it eventually comes to a point of attracting other people to act. Pastors as leaders don’t act alone but they do have followers. The Bible is clear that Gideon was told to gather army and attack the medianites. Deborah persuaded the Israel, people followed her. Leadership comes from influence and that cannot be mandated. The pastor has to influence the congregation for them to effectively participate in holiness highway.
Persuade Purpose.
People are influenced because they follow a distinct purpose laid out before them. Normally they move in a direction to reach the specific goal. No leader desire to maintain the status quo. Leadership and purpose are inseparable. Those leaders who are driven by the purpose accomplish their goals successfully. Leadership needs to set forth goals and objectives that can make possible the kind of future you have described to the followers. Gangel suggested that a leader should ask the following questions; what is it that God wants us to do? Whom are we trying to reach? How are we going to accomplish this? Pastors as leaders should be moved by the on set goals in order to accomplish God’s assignment.
A pastoral leader is the one who is so involved in so many responsibilities. Leadership is not avenue of waiting others to do but it does for others. Paul said that, “Beside everything else I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.”(II Corinthians 11:28). To save was Jesus’ definition of leadership and I think this is true whether in the realm of secular or of the sacred. In his training of the twelve the Son of God became both the trainer and also a servant of God. The same image provides a pattern and norm whereby pastors should learn how to fulfill their God-given mission through training. Pastors as a leader should regard the welfare of others rather than his own comfort and prestige as of primary concern. Our challenge today is that this responsibility is operated in an opposite way. However, it is so imperative for a pastor to manifest sympathy and concerns for those under him in their problems, difficulties and care.
Restoring others back to their position is the other recommended responsibility of the pastoral leadership. Paul stipulated that the Spirit is required for those who exercise restoration. “Brothers, if someone is caught in sin you who are spiritual should restore him gently”. (Galatians 6:1). The restoration should be done in Spirit of genuine love and conducted in the most considerate manner. Beside that, guide is also another stipulated responsibility of a pastoral leadership. A pastor as a leader should know where he is going and be able to guide the flock. But is not always simple task to guide people who are tough godly, have strong opinions of their own. A pastor as a leader should hear the voice of God and the flock hears his voice. “When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (John 10:4). A pastor as a leader should remain in the front and give guidance and sense of direction to those behind him. He does not wait things to happen but he is a self-starter and is always on the look out for improved methods.
Delegating tasks and authority is one of other important responsibilities. This not only applied to pastoral leadership but also to other avenues of leadership. Delegation has to do with leaders assigning certain tasks and authority to others in the church or church organization. All the pastoral delegations have got a biblical foundation. All biblical commissions Matthew 28, John 20, delegated first to the disciples then through them to every Christian. Delegation serves as an important task of training future as well as present pastoral leadership. Apart from the above explained responsibilities of a pastor as a leader, his leadership is also manifested in worship service, group facilitation, chairing the church committees, managing conflict, as well as evaluating ministry effectiveness.
When we study the Bible closely we see that pastoral leadership is indeed God’s idea. God is not only the ultimate leader, but he has called us to lead as well. A leader has to play his part for the effective leadership. John Maxwell in his book, Million leaders’ mandate, developed the basics for the effective pastoral leadership. We shall journey through these basics and see how they contribute to the successfulness of pastoral leadership.
Perceive a need
Most of the figures in the Bible like Nehemiah started their leadership when they saw a specific need and they could address and meet the need. Maxwell suggested that for leadership to be effective, it should always start with a need and that need spark within a person then he acts in response to the need. The action moves others to corporate. The leader’s ability to find a need and satisfaction was a natural result of long successful of doing the right things for the right reasons across years of cheerful, Christ centered services. In normal circumstances God places a leader at the position of for the ultimate purpose of fulfilling a need.
Possess a gift
The effective leadership goes together with some ability that fit the need of the moment perfectly. Normally the gift plays a great role in solving a problem. Maxwell contends that effective leadership is determined by the gift inside a leader. Leaders then eventually match the gift with place of service. The gift provides a platform for influence. When the leader is naturally led in his area of his gift, other elements take place like, intuitive, production, comfortable, as well as satisfaction. Problem frustrates leaders when they realize that they are often called upon to use lesser gifts rather than to refine their greater gifts. All the gifts are valuable and needed for effective leadership.
Parade Passion
When an outward need and inward gift match, the leader often follows by becoming consumed with a passion. In most situations a passion develops when there’s burden. Maxwell pointed out that passion comes also when a leader is convicted to perform a task for the aim of accomplishing a goal. It begins with an interest and concerns.
Influence People
Leadership is influence-nothing less, nothing more. To be a leader its not only the issue of being in the front, but also to have people intentionally coming behind him, following his lead, and acting on his vision. True pastoral leadership it eventually comes to a point of attracting other people to act. Pastors as leaders don’t act alone but they do have followers. The Bible is clear that Gideon was told to gather army and attack the medianites. Deborah persuaded the Israel, people followed her. Leadership comes from influence and that cannot be mandated. The pastor has to influence the congregation for them to effectively participate in holiness highway.
Persuade Purpose.
People are influenced because they follow a distinct purpose laid out before them. Normally they move in a direction to reach the specific goal. No leader desire to maintain the status quo. Leadership and purpose are inseparable. Those leaders who are driven by the purpose accomplish their goals successfully. Leadership needs to set forth goals and objectives that can make possible the kind of future you have described to the followers. Gangel suggested that a leader should ask the following questions; what is it that God wants us to do? Whom are we trying to reach? How are we going to accomplish this? Pastors as leaders should be moved by the on set goals in order to accomplish God’s assignment.
A pastoral leader is the one who is so involved in so many responsibilities. Leadership is not avenue of waiting others to do but it does for others. Paul said that, “Beside everything else I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.”(II Corinthians 11:28). To save was Jesus’ definition of leadership and I think this is true whether in the realm of secular or of the sacred. In his training of the twelve the Son of God became both the trainer and also a servant of God. The same image provides a pattern and norm whereby pastors should learn how to fulfill their God-given mission through training. Pastors as a leader should regard the welfare of others rather than his own comfort and prestige as of primary concern. Our challenge today is that this responsibility is operated in an opposite way. However, it is so imperative for a pastor to manifest sympathy and concerns for those under him in their problems, difficulties and care.
Restoring others back to their position is the other recommended responsibility of the pastoral leadership. Paul stipulated that the Spirit is required for those who exercise restoration. “Brothers, if someone is caught in sin you who are spiritual should restore him gently”. (Galatians 6:1). The restoration should be done in Spirit of genuine love and conducted in the most considerate manner. Beside that, guide is also another stipulated responsibility of a pastoral leadership. A pastor as a leader should know where he is going and be able to guide the flock. But is not always simple task to guide people who are tough godly, have strong opinions of their own. A pastor as a leader should hear the voice of God and the flock hears his voice. “When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” (John 10:4). A pastor as a leader should remain in the front and give guidance and sense of direction to those behind him. He does not wait things to happen but he is a self-starter and is always on the look out for improved methods.
Delegating tasks and authority is one of other important responsibilities. This not only applied to pastoral leadership but also to other avenues of leadership. Delegation has to do with leaders assigning certain tasks and authority to others in the church or church organization. All the pastoral delegations have got a biblical foundation. All biblical commissions Matthew 28, John 20, delegated first to the disciples then through them to every Christian. Delegation serves as an important task of training future as well as present pastoral leadership. Apart from the above explained responsibilities of a pastor as a leader, his leadership is also manifested in worship service, group facilitation, chairing the church committees, managing conflict, as well as evaluating ministry effectiveness.
Leadership is very essential in any institution either secular or sacred. As pointed already no community, nation, church, organization or any gathering can function in the absence of a leader. Our churches today are crippled in many ways just because of poor leadership. It is very essential for pastors as well as members to be told the importance of being a leader rather than the importance of being a good preacher. Maxwell pointed out that everything rises and falls on leadership. It so imperative to understand the basics of effective pastoral leadership as well as the responsibilities that brings forth strong leadership. I contend that the problem that the most pastors do have today is to combine different responsibilities without operating outside their calling. However, the successful of pastoral leadership is based on the one who called a pastor, God is He.
Leadership Theories
1. Great Man Theories
2. Trait Theories
3. Contingency Theories
4. Situational Theories
5. Behavioral Theories
6. Participative Theories
7. Management Theories
8. Relationship Theories
Building community. The servant leader sense that much has been lost in recent human history as a result of the shift from local communities to large institutions as the primary shaper of human lives. A servant leader has a spirit of building a community for the benefit of all people not himself Leadership Theories
In determining vision, the Christian leader has the opportunity to seek God's perspective and call to that organization or church through prayer. Prayer too, will help the leader maintain integrity during times of challenge to their leadership. But the leader is not the only one called to pray, but the church or Christian organization too carries a duty to support their leadership in prayer. For a Christian leader to be effective over the long term, the character of the leader must demonstrate consistency, trustworthiness and integrity to Christian principles and values. A person who is not a servant leader will tend toward more mixed motives in leading, striving to lead out of pride, manipulation, and force. Servant leaders understand that means to ends are just as important as ends.
Leadership is very essential in any institution either secular or sacred. As pointed already no community, nation, church, organization or any gathering can function in the absence of a leader. Our churches today are crippled in many ways just because of poor leadership. It is very essential for pastors as well as members to be told the importance of being a leader rather than the importance of being a good preacher. Maxwell pointed out that everything rises and falls on leadership. It so imperative to understand the basics of effective pastoral leadership as well as the responsibilities that brings forth strong leadership. I contend that the problem that the most pastors do have today is to combine different responsibilities without operating outside their calling. However, the successful of pastoral leadership is based on the one who called a pastor, God is He.
The five keys of leadership
It’s not having followers that define leadership. Leadership is a winning combination of personal traits and the ability to think and act as a leader, a person who directs the activities of others for the good of all. Anyone can be a leader, even if the only person they’re leading is themselves. But a person can’t become a leader just by saying he is. Leadership needs to be worked. The following are the five keys of leadership that transform an ordinally person into an extraordinally leader
A leader plans.
The core of leadership is being proactive rather than reactive. Sure, leaders are good in crises but that doesn’t mean they sit around letting crises develop. Leadership involves identifying potential problems and solving them before they reach crisis proportions – and the ability to identify and reap potential windfalls. So good leaders analyze and plan and adapt their plans to new circumstances and opportunities.
A leader has a vision.
Vision is essential to good leadership. Vision provides direction and without direction, there’s not much point to all that planning; the business or organization can fail drastically. So for a person to take step towards leadership he or she should create a vision statement for the business or organization. The goodness of this is that it embodies one’s dreams and passions. A vision statement will also serve as a leadership vision.
A leader shares her vision.
Sharing your leadership vision helps your vision grows and your leadership develop. As you tell your leadership vision to others, you will strengthen your own belief in your vision and strengthen your determination to make your leadership vision become reality. The leadership skills grow as a leader and other people recognize him as a person with leadership vision.
A leader takes charge.
At this stage of leadership, a leader put together his planning and leadership vision and takes action. Whether it’s implementing a specific plan to improve business’s bottom line or responding to a crisis, leader, is the one who makes the decisions and sees that the appropriate actions are carried out. A leader can’t just “talk a good game” to be a leader; he or she need to act and to be seen as taking effective action for the good of his or her small business.
A leader inspires through example.
Leadership is defined through action. Therefore, in developing leadership skills, a leader has to act in ways that are fitting to the leadership vision and him or her self – all the time. We can all name many actions of other people whom we admire, but what inspires us is the integrity that gives these actions meaning.
Becoming a leader isn’t easy because it takes a conscious commitment and consistent effort to develop one’s leadership skills. But on the positive side, anyone who is willing to make the effort can become a good leader.
And as good leadership is critical to business success, your efforts to improve your leadership skills will be amply rewarded.
Factors that make leadership successful
Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. You must know your people! The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation. You must come to know your employees' be, know, and do attributes.
Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. You must know your people! The fundamental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as needs, emotions, and motivation. You must come to know your employees' be, know, and do attributes.
A leader must have an honest understanding of who a leader is, what he know, and what he can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who determines if a leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful a leader has to convince the followers, not himself or his superiors, that he or she is worthy of being followed.
A leader must have an honest understanding of who a leader is, what he know, and what he can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who determines if a leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their leader, then they will be uninspired. To be successful a leader has to convince the followers, not himself or his superiors, that he or she is worthy of being followed.
A leader leads through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. For instance, when a leader set the example, which communicates to the people that you would not ask them to perform anything that you would not be willing to do. What and how a leader communicates either builds or harms the relationship between him/her and his or her employees.
All situations are important and different. What a leader does in one situation will not always work in another. A leader should use judgment and adjustment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, a leader may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective.
All situations are important and different. What a leader does in one situation will not always work in another. A leader should use judgment and adjustment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For example, a leader may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too weak, then the results may prove ineffective.
The three categories of behavior in Leadership
Behavior is an important tool in leadership. In this case the behavior of the leader can spoil or edify the leadership. Some of the behaviors are:
Task-oriented behavior.
This involves doing things that are primarily concerned with accomplishing the task, utilizing personnel and the resources effectively, maintaining the stable and reliable operations and making incremental improvements in quality and productivity.
Relations-oriented behavior.
This primarily concerned with improving relationships and helping people, increasing cooperation and teamwork, increasing subordinate job satisfaction, and building identification with the organization. Some key components behavior includes, supporting, developing, recognizing, consulting and, managing the conflict.
Change-oriented behavior.
In this behavior a leader is primarily concerned with improving the strategic decisions, adapting to change in the environment, making major changes in objectives processes, or products or services and gaining commitment to the change. Some of the key components in this behavior includes, articulating an appealing vision, proposing innovative strategies, making persuasive appeals about the need for change, encouraging and facilitating experimentation, and developing a coalition to support and implement change.
Leadership Theories
1. Great Man Theories
Great Man theories assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent – that great leaders are born not made. These theories often portray great leaders as heroic, mythic, and destined to rise to leadership when needed. The term “Great Man” was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership.
2. Trait Theories
Similar in some ways to “Great Man” theories, trait theory assumes that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. But if particular traits are key features of leadership, how do we explain people who possess those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the limitations in using trait theories to explain leadership.
3. Contingency Theories
Contingency theories of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which particular style of leadership is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers, and aspects of the situation.
4. Situational Theories
Situational theories propose that leaders choose the best course of action based upon situational variable. Different styles of leadership may be more appropriate for certain types of decision-making.
5. Behavioral Theories
Behavioral theories of leadership are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders, not on mental qualities or internal states. According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through teaching and observation.
6. Participative Theories
Participative leadership theories suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others.
7. Management Theories
Management theories (also known as “Transactional theories”) focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of reward and punishment. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are rewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished.
8. Relationship Theories
Relationship theories (also known as “Transformational theories”) focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. These leaders motivate and inspire people by helping group members see the importance and higher good of the task. Transformational leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but also want each person to fulfill his or her potential. These leaders often have high ethical and moral standards.
Servant Leadership
“The world of today is hungry for action leaders” (Nelson Mandela). Most of challenges today like war, corruption just a few are emanating from the pit of poor leadership in our countries. Starting from the family up to any organization or any gathering, leadership is vital. The effectiveness of any organization, church, institution depends on the kind of leadership style that governs it. In his book Million Mandate Leadership volume II, John Maxwell pointed out that everything rises and falls on leadership. The paper is the book reading summary of the book entitled Basics of Servant leadership in Africa context written by Ronald Henry. The summary covers all the relevant facts related to what we have learned in class. The characteristics, effective people management practices, categories of servant leadership behavior, qualification of people for promotion and steps in managing conflicts are some of the summarized facts in this report.
Characteristics of Servant leaders.
The servant leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. The conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant –first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. Some of the characteristic of the servant leadership are as follows;
Listening. Leaders have been traditionally been valuable for their communication and decision making skills. While these are also important skills for the servant leader, they need to be reinforced by deep commitment of listening intensity to others. The servant leader seeks to identify the will of the group and help to identify the will of that group.
Empathy. The servant leader strives to understand and empathize with others. People need to be accepted and recognized for their special and unique spirits. One assumes the good intentions of coworkers and does not reject them as people, even if one finds it necessary to refuse to accept their behavior or performance.
Healing. One of the great strength of servant leadership is the potential for healing one’s self and others. Many people have broken spirits and have suffered from the variety of emotional hurts. Although this is part of being human, servant leaders recognize that they also have an opportunity to help make whole those with whom they come in contact.
Awareness. General awareness and especially self awareness, strengthens the servant leaders. Awareness also aids one in understanding issues involving ethics and values. It leads to itself to being able to view most situations from a more integrated position. Servant leaders are usually sharply awake and reasonably disturbed.
Persuasion. A servant leader is primarily reliance on persuasion rather than positional authority in making decisions within the organization. The servant leader seeks to convince others rather than coerce compliance. The servant leader is effective at building consensus within groups.
Conceptualization. Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to dream great dreams. The ability to look at a problem (or organization) from a conceptualizing perspective means that one must think beyond day to day realities. Servants leaders are called to seek dedicate balance between conceptual thinking and day to day focused approach.
Foresight. Foresight is the characteristic that enables the servant leader to understand the lessons form past, the realities of the present and the likely consequence of the decision for the future. It is also deeply rooted within the intuitive mind.
Stewardship. Servant leadership like stewards assumes first and foremost a commitment to serving the needs of others. It also emphasizes the use of openness and persuasion rather than control
Commitment to the growth of people. Servant leaders believe that people have intrinsic values beyond their tangible contributions as workers. As a result servant leader is deeply committed to the growth of each and every individual within the institution. The servant leader recognizes the tremendous responsibility to do everything possible to nurture the growth of employees.
Building community. The servant leader sense that much has been lost in recent human history as a result of the shift from local communities to large institutions as the primary shaper of human lives. A servant leader has a spirit of building a community for the benefit of all people not himself Leadership Theories
Servant leader in managing people
One of the elements that servant leaders should be posses is the skill of managing people. It has been said that a human being is difficult to be managed in any organization. However effective leaders are the ones who both manage people and organization well.
Have a clear vision of your Expectations. A servant leader should think very precisely about his/her expectations of the team member's role. He will have to explain these expectations to team members and it is very difficult to do this if a leader has vague, woolly thinking. What performance level do you expect? A servant leader should remember that, people need some kind of measures of your expectations - quality, quantity or both.
Make your expectations clear. If you explain your objectives clearly, you will already have achieved 50% of them - you are half way there. Make a habit of identifying different aspects of the role and discussing each at separate performance discussions. An effective people leader is doing this on an ongoing basis, ensuring the team members are on firm ground and knows exactly where they stand.
Ensure Team Members know that their work has value. This involves briefing each team member initially on what exactly is the purpose of the Organization, their own team purpose, and where they fit in relation to other departments. They need to know that they play a key part in achieving the shared output of their Organisation.
A servant leader should help each Team Member to be aware that their work is important.
A servant leader should help each Team Member to be aware that their work is important.
Get to know each Team Member. Spend time with each in non-work chats getting to know them and letting them get to know you. Bonding is key to building mutual respect, so a leader should use his /her time wisely bonding with each Team Member. Manage how you do this to ensure you are spending your time equally with all Team Members.
Show interest in each person's work output. A servant leader should train him/her to notice good work, extra effort or positive attitude. It is often easy to see the negative, but harder to see the good. Praise desired attitude, behavior or achievement on the spot, openly and honestly. Be sensitive to different people, and praise each in an appropriate manner.
Have high expectations of each Team Member. They will not all perform equally, but each person can get better. A servant leader should not treat someone as a loser - but give them something to achieve. Remember, success breeds success. It also fosters self confidence and job satisfaction. This will guarantee that both you and your People are continuously growing and developing.
The three categories of behavior in servant Leadership
Behavior is an important tool in leadership. In this case the behavior of the leader can spoil or edify the leadership. Some of the behaviors are:
Task-oriented behavior. This involves doing things that primarily focus on accomplishing the task, utilizing personnel and the resources effectively, maintaining the stable and reliable operations and making incremental improvements in quality and productivity
Relations-oriented behavior. This primarily concerned with improving relationships and helping people, increasing cooperation and teamwork, increasing subordinate job satisfaction, and building identification with the organization. Some key components behavior includes, supporting, developing, recognizing, consulting and, managing the conflict.
Change-oriented behavior. In this behavior a leader is primarily concerned with improving the strategic decisions, adapting to change in the environment, making major changes in objectives processes, or products or services and gaining commitment to the change. Some of the key components in this behavior includes, articulating an appealing vision, proposing innovative strategies, making persuasive appeals about the need for change, encouraging and facilitating experimentation, and developing a coalition to support and implement change.
Servant Leader in Managing Conflict
Conflict is inevitable, natural, and even healthy. What is unhealthy is unresolved conflict allowed to fester and become a sore in the side of an otherwise productive team. In Acts 15 we see conflict both within and outside the team, but in both cases it is resolved productively. Here is one suggested process for handling conflict.
5 Stage Process for Handling Conflict 1. P ray through the subject of the conflict, alone. Ask God to help you discern the reasons behind it, the needs of those involved and how you may have contributed to it. 2. E explore each other's positions thoroughly, listening carefully to each others' views on the subject of the conflict. Bear in mind that the conflict may be about personalities and needs, rather than the subject matter. 3. A pproach possible solutions together, bringing to the fore the commonality you have. These may include desire to see God glorified, the team goal, concern for each other's happiness. 4. C ollaboration is better than compromise. Praying together can be a powerful way of seeking agreement. 'I will listen to what God, the Lord will say, he promises peace to his people, his saints.' (Ps 85:8) 5. E xpel any resentment you still hold. Make peace with them! (Mt 5:24) |
Qualifications of people to be promoted as servant leaders
When promoting employees, it's a standard operating procedure to look for someone who has persistently exhibited the qualities of Leadership. A leader’s decisions shouldn't be too daunting.
A servant Leadership attitude; A prospect should have leadership Attitude - an attitude of appreciation, consideration, and respect for others as well as strong self-control. Can he or she take constructive criticism well, while applying it on the job to improve their performance? Does he/she arrive early and stay late? Are your prospects open and eager to ongoing change in organization? A servant leader should take the above into consideration when choosing an employee for promotion.
Self-starter; An follower who takes the initiative to get things done without being told to do so, is a great candidate for promotion. You also want someone who doesn't mind being cross-trained into other departments. Your promotion prospect should support the evolvement of the organization and commit to ongoing professional development and leadership training. He/she should be able to delegate without timidity, but also be firm and fair. A self-stater is one who follows well, and leads even better!
Ability to motivate others. A candidate for promotion should be the one who get the most productivity out of other employees on their same level. Sometimes, you'll come across a charismatic employee who just naturally brings the best out in most people. An employee who appreciates other employees, whom they work with, and recognizes and acknowledges that the tasks on the job can't be effectively complete without the team working harmoniously together.
I have to realize that simply leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. The leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He or she is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and skills that makes others want to follow his or her direction.
Despite the kind of followers, leadership is welded to performance. Effective servant leaders are those who increase their institution’s or church’s bottom lines. The author in his book has really explored areas that concern servant leadership. However much has not been emphasized on servant leader as a spiritual leader. Personally I am convinced that Servant leadership is at the heart of Christian leadership. Servant Leadership is different from servant hood. They model integrity, where their thoughts, words and actions flow from a consistent desire. Servant leadership is not a particular style of leadership, but rather relates to the motivation behind a leader's thoughts, words and actions.
Servant leaders are not leaders on the basis of their position or leadership role, but rather lead according to their calling, vision and principles. One of the challenges for servant leaders is to ensure that their vision and principles are in line with others in their organization and their call to ministry and therefore it is highly important for them to engage with others to develop a common vision and shared values.
In determining vision, the Christian leader has the opportunity to seek God's perspective and call to that organization or church through prayer. Prayer too, will help the leader maintain integrity during times of challenge to their leadership. But the leader is not the only one called to pray, but the church or Christian organization too carries a duty to support their leadership in prayer. For a Christian leader to be effective over the long term, the character of the leader must demonstrate consistency, trustworthiness and integrity to Christian principles and values. A person who is not a servant leader will tend toward more mixed motives in leading, striving to lead out of pride, manipulation, and force. Servant leaders understand that means to ends are just as important as ends.
As we have seen, one can really understand that without leadership things could be so difficult in any institution. A lot of churches have been ending up closing doors because of poor leadership. However, the presences of good leadership in any institution make the goals a particular institution to be accomplished. However poor leadership as pointed already brings a lot of chaos in an organization. It is a responsibility of people to choose people who have got qualities of a servant leadership. A servant leader should be able to influence and move people them to God’s agenda. What makes a leader a servant leader is not temperament, strength, or energy. What makes a leader a servant leader is first and foremost the type of motivation in the leader. When the motivation of the leader is to unleash the potential of the followers and primarily benefit the needs of the organization, that person is a servant leader. Each of us know pastors who would claim to be serving the people and would consider themselves servant leaders, but who go about reaching church goals via manipulation, using people, and who privately exemplify a very prideful attitude.
Bible, New International Version
Gangel, Kenneth, O. Team Leadership in the Christian Ministry, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1997
Jayaran V. (2009) Pastorate and Leadership. Retrieved on 13th May 2009 from htpp// www.hinduwebsite.com
London, Jr. H.B. Heart of a Great Pastor, Regal Books, Venture, California, 1984.
Maxwell, John. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, 1998.
Maxwell, John. C. Million Leaders Mandate, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York 1987
Means, James. E. Leadership in Christian Ministry, Baker Book House Company, 1999
Sanders, J.Oswald. Spiritual Leadership. The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1980
Webster, S. L. (2008) Basic Concepts of leadership. Retrieved on 10th June 2009 from http// www.basicleadership.com
Westcott, B.F. Effective Pastorate Ministry, Eerdmans Publishing Company, Michigan, 1990