Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Abortion is a difficult and sensitive ethical issue to be addressed in public. Most of people who do such act turn to think that they are doing as a solution to a pregnant problem while in actual sense they are causing the other serious problem. It is unpleasant ethical practice because it involves an innocent unborn child but also on the other hand precious child of God. There are different debates raised based on abortions in different Christian denominations. In some societies where sanctions are imposed to repudiate abortion, churches have been in line with such societies. Some churches do not agree to abortion unless a pregnancy needs to be ended in order to save the life of the mother[1]. This paper deals with definition, causes, effects, Biblical perspectives as well as responses to the critique cases of this social issue.

Definition of Abortion
Biologically, “abortion is the destruction of the fetus in the womb or the premature expulsion of a fetus”[2]. The idea behind abortion is destroying the embryo before its completion. This means that the fertilized egg fails to attain its full development of function. Narrmore defined abortion as, “the act of expelling human child from the protection and safety of its mother’s womb”[3]. In most cases this is done before the child is capable of sustaining life.

The causes of Abortion
Abortion has become one of the critical social issues in the world. It really affects the nations and even the churches especially in Africa. Most people indulge themselves in this act for various reasons.
The Teen sexuality crisis
The sexual bustle of teens continues at an alarming rate. This means that the graph of crimes of abortion is not static.  According to the recent statics conducted by World Health program, “it shows that three-fourth of all girls has had sex during their teen-age and 15 percent have had four or more sexual partners”[4]. This shows that the probability of getting pregnancy before marriage is always high. In most cases when girls have discovered that there is fertilized egg in the womb, they are always confused and become frustrated. The young ladies come to notice that some of the privileges they used to enjoy as youth would be not be at their disposal. As a solution to the problem they just decide to destruct the fetus before mature.
The Availability of Abortion cases
“Abortion has become a multimillion-dollar industry in many western countries even here in Africa. In most case many abortion advocates are committed in making abortion available to every woman of age”[5].  The other thing that contributed to the availability of abortion is that some states do no have the parental consent laws which could enforce the society as well as the parents to punish girls or women who indulge themselves in abortion. In this case a girl can have pregnancy and have an abortion as she wants without the knowledge of her parents.
Biological problems
Not all abortion acts take place by human willing or plan.  Sometimes a girl can have a biological problem within her womb. “This can happen sometime as a heretical trait from the mother”[6]. When some of the girls realize such problem, they don’t have any option but to abort the pregnancy.

The effects of Abortion
The most pertinent effect of abortion of course is the willful and cruel loss of the human life through the agency of his or her own mother. Such tragedy has spiritual, medical, emotional, as well as societal ramification.
Spiritual effects
 According to the Bible, the destruction of the undeveloped child inside the womb of the mother is sin. “Life is the gift from God and all human life developing in the womb is created by God in His image and therefore to be nurtured, supported and protected. From the moment of conception, a child is a human being with all the developing characteristics of human life. This is life is dependent on the mother for its continued development”[7]. “Sin produces both moral and psychological guilt. The guilt that is produced by an act of abortion may not only produce deep and long lasting feelings of regret and self –recrimination; it will also harm the relationship with God”[8].
Physical effects
The institute of Medicine, National Academy of science in 2009 reported that, “an adolescent abortion candidate differ from the sexually mature counterpart, and these differences contribute to high morbidity, run the risk of difficult potentially traumatic dilution. Women always miscarriage their wanted babies as twice as often”[9]. In most cases there is damage to reproductive organs. “There is always pelvic pain and dyspareunia. If the abortion acts for quite a long period of eight times, it may lead to infertility and repeated miscarriage”[10].
Emotional effects
As pointed already, abortion contributes something negatively to the mind of a person (mother, girl).  In most cases, a girl fees craziness after abortion. “There is also always a flashback of the abortion experiences within the mind of a girl or a woman. The other emotional effect is the preoccupation with the aborted child. It has been noted that few days following abortion, there’s perceived visitation of the aborted child in the girl’s or woman’s mind”[11]
Social /cultural effects
Abortion carries many effects that certainly changes and harm societies and cultures around the world. For example, in some countries where males are highly honored than women, abortion creates the opportunity for parents selectively abort female babies. “Abortion reduces the number of people in the society who could positively and productively contribute to the development of the society. Socially, abortion as a demand has brought a new idea in the society in which people educate a generation of young people to abort their unwanted, handicapped and inconvenient children so that their quality of life will not be impaired or interrupted”[12].
 Increase the death rate
 Abortion may not only cause illness but also death. In January 2009 it was reported in that a 16 year girl died as he was trying to terminate the pregnancy. Kenan Miruki reported, “A deceased 16, was a class seven pupil at Nyabitunwa Bine Primary school in Gusha south district. Assistant Chief David Kenyanya said the girl died after taking herbal medicine to terminate her pregnancy”[13] Health Assistance Minister Dr. Enoch Kibunguchy said, “the reality of abortion is that 300,000 spontaneous and induced abortions occur annually in Kenya. Almost 20,000 women are treated in public hospitals annually with abortion related illness. Eight hundreds abortions are performed everyday with 2,600 women dying everyday”[14].
This shows how abortion increases the death rate. The 2008 statistics in Kenya concerning abortion estimates that 10,000-15,000 girls drop out secondary schools each year due to unplanned pregnancies, without recourse to termination of the pregnancy their personal development is usually curtained and the nation loses their development potential. At worst they die at the hands of unqualified abortionist[15].

Biblical Perspective of Abortion
Obviously people in the Bible time did not have the benefit of the modern biology, but they did have the basic understanding of the process of the conception and pregnancy as well as birth. The prophetic curse on Ephraim follows the process of life back to its origin. As for Ephraim their glory will fly like a bird. No birth no pregnancy and no conception. (Hos.9:11) The Biblical writers never say the words, “life begins at conception” but they consistently refer to the conception as the springboard of person life. For example Ruth, “The Lord enabled her to conceive and gave birth to a son” (Ruth.4:13). Elizabeth is also one of the biblical women who also gave birth to a son in her old age. The bible is clear that when she met with Mary something unique happened in her womb. “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting the baby leaped in her womb” (Lk.1:41). To examine all these examples we can see that the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest through the unborn child. This signifies how imperative the life of life is even in the womb.
Several verses in the Bible postulate that the fetus is made in God’s image. “Gen. 5:3 reads, when Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own image and likeness according to his image and named him Seth”[16]. Most commentators interpret the phrase “in his own likeness according to the image” as meaning the image of God”[17] In this case it is legitimate to say that Seth’s humanity was already present at the conception. God also relate to the fetus in several intimate ways, first a number of references concur that God oversees the development of the fetus. (Job 31:13-15, Psalms.119:73, 139:13, Jer 1:5). Secondly, God relates personally to unborn child in preparing them for a specific calling. (Rom.9:11, Judges. 13:3-5)

Responses to the problem of evil
Abortion is not only illegal but is also an immoral and sadistic act. I strongly believe that legitimizing abortion will be tantamount to jeopardizing our future generation.  “It is a fact that a woman does not own the fetus but only help to carry it. She does not make nor own it either. She only safeguard till after delivery. She only misuses her powers to destroy another life. The two babies and mother are totally independent in terms of life”[18]. In case where the issue of abortion is so critique, The Chairman of Bishops, John Njue of Kenya Episcopal conference suggested that, “every means available should be used to save the lives of both mother and the child”[19].
The bishops dismissed as theoretical claims that an abortion is necessary because it saves the life of the mother.  In his further remarks the chairman said, “Those advocating for abortion were not aborted by their mothers and should therefore respect the rights of unborn who cannot speak themselves”[20]. Abortion kills babies, damages women, harms families, degrade the medical professionals, weaken nations and destroy churches. As Christians we are called to go into the world and preach the Good news but abortion is not part of good news[21]. There are quite a number of cases that the churches, government as well as the modern societies have been struggling with as far abortion is concern. And I would like to raise two of them and put forth my response.
Pregnancies resulting from rape and Incest
 Shall a young girl be forced to bear a child conceived as a result of rape or incest? Here I suggest we would apply the standard of threat to the mother’s physical and mental health. There is real danger in a very young girl bearing a child though there is also danger in terminating a first pregnancy.  “The trauma of rape or incest is serious in itself”[22].  To ask the girl to carry the reminder of that experience and then deliver a child conceived under those circumstances is asking a great deal. Only a well balanced, mentally strong and faith-filled girl would be able to carry this experience through without serious damage to her to mental health. I suggest that as Christian we should strongly assist her and support her with love, concern, and sympathy and help her in any way that we can. The value of the life of the unborn is important than the health that we can maintain and bring peace as time goes[23]. If she finds it difficult and even impossible, we should seek to help, and encourage her with biblical comforts until her child is born.
Abortion for Socioeconomic reasons
What about the mother who does not want another child and cannot face the prospect of caring for it? Is the fact that she is poor or that she lives under slum conditions or that her husband in economically crippled be a legitimate reason for abortion?  I suggest that such couple new already that sometimes sex leads into pregnancy which should be taken care of.  “There is certainly no Scriptural justification for terminating the life of a fetus in these circumstances”[24]. This is not to suggest that socioeconomic concerns be ignored. As Christian, I suggest that the mother or the husband should be assisted in correcting the situation which causes the concerns.
However, it is impossible to justify an abortion for this reason. This does not mean that we should remain silent when such ethical issues rise in our communities.  “Terminating the pregnancy is equivalent to killing the life outside the pregnancy”[25]. We should not remedy a problem by bringing more problems as a solution. This can be likened to planning to eradicate poverty by killing the poor. But in as much as murder is forbidden once for all, we are not permitted to destroy the fetus in the womb as long a blood is still being drawn to form a human being[26]. Tertullian
As we have pointed out, the problem of abortion is neither a new one nor the one that Christians have not had to grapple with before.  Individual have not been perfect in their actions, Christians as already pointed have sinned and continued to sin. Pastors however, should preach sound sermons which are consistent to the Christian morals as stipulated in the Bible. Political as well as religious leaders should not continue burry their heads in the sand and neglecting the confrontation of this social issue. Society with one voice should say no to this crime.  Leaders should condemn any attempts to legalize abortion. For the sake of the future, let’s protect our unborn children who will be the ones to steer this country to greater economic heights in the days to come. Those who are tempted to sin (abort in this case) need to hear God’s Word and ask for strength to carry out His will.
Anderson, Norman, Issues of life and death: Abortion, Downers Groove: Intervarsity, 1976.
Bible: New International Version
Klotz, John. W. A Christian view of Abortion, London: Concordian, Publishing House St. Louis London, 1973
Backwith, Francis. Politically correct death: Answering arguments for Abortion rights, Grand Rapids: Baker Book 1993
Fowler, Paul B. Abortion: towards on Evangelical Consensus, Portland: Oregon Multmonan, 1987
Phiri, Patrick, Abortion is sin of our choice, Blantyre: Malawi Claim Mabuku Publications, 1994
Powell, John Joseph, Abortion the silent holocaust: New York, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1981
  Smart, Nianian.  Abortion in Mankind 2nd ed. Charles Scribe Library of Congress, USA        1969.
Jayaran V. (2009) Abortion and church. Retrieved on 13th February 2010 from
Melissa S. L. (2008) Social Ethics and Abortion. Retrieved on 10th February 2010 from http// www.socialenthical.com
 Peter, Musa, Abortion in our Community: Kenya Daily Newspaper, p13. Col 1-4, 14th February 2008
Mundia, Jnr. Abortion Scandal in Kenya: The Standard Newspaper, p3. Col 1-2 19th August, 2009
Kenan, Miruki. The tragedy of Abortion: Kenya National Newspaper, p18. Col 2-3: 27th September, 2008.
Wilke, J.C, Why can’t we love them both: Retrieved from http//.www.abortionfacts.com on 16th February, 2010.
Wycliffe, John. Life from the womb:  London: Lincon Press, 1998

[1] Klotz, John. W. A Christian view of Abortion, London: Concordian, Publishing House St. Louis London, 1973 p.35

[2] Anderson, Norman, Issues of life and death: Abortion, Downers Groove: Intervarsity, 1976.p.104

[3] Ibid, p.g 105
[4] Jayaran V. (2009) Abortion and church. Retrieved on 13th February 2010 from http// www.ethicsabortion.com
[5] Ibid
      [6] Wycliffe, John. Life from the womb:  London: Lincon Press, 1998,p.67

[7] Mundia, Jnr. Abortion Scandal in Kenya: The Standard Newspaper, p3. Col 1-2 19th August, 2009

        [8] Phiri, Patrick,  Abortion is sin of our choice, Blantyre: Malawi Claim Mabuku Publications, 1994, p. 25

[9] Backwith, Francis. Politically correct death: Answering arguments for Abortion rights, Grand Rapids: Baker Book 1993.p.209

[10] Ibid
[11] Melissa S. L. (2008) Social Ethics and Abortion. Retrieved on 10th February 2010 from http// www.socialenthical.com

[12] Peter, Musa, Abortion in our Community: Kenya Daily Newspaper, p13. Col 1-4, 14th February 2008

[13] Kenan, Miruki. The tragedy of Abortion: Kenya National Newspaper, p18. Col 2-3: 27th September, 2008.

[14] Ibid
[15] Kenan, p.g 34
          [16] Peter, Musa, pg 75
[17] Fowler, Paul B. Abortion: towards on Evangelical Consensus, Portland: Oregon Multmonan, 1987,p.46

[18]Mundia Jnr
[20] Peter, Musa, Abortion in our Community: Kenya Daily Newspaper, p13. Col 1-4, 14th February 2008
        [21] Ibid
[22] Powell, John Joseph, Abortion the silent holocaust: New York, Macmillan Press Ltd, 1981,p.g 96

[23] Smart, Nianian.  Abortion in Mankind 2nd ed. Charles Scribe Library of Congress, USA, 1969,p.g 209

[24] Wilke, J.C, Why can’t we love them both: Retrieved from http//.www.abortionfacts.com on 16th February, 2010.

[25] Ibid
[26] Melissa S. L. (2008) Social Ethics and Abortion. Retrieved on 10th February 2010 from
      http// www.socialenthical.com

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